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Configuring apps repositories with config.json

Using Argo CD to deploy and dynamically set up new environments by adding new directories in your apps-repo is a super convenient way to spin up new test environments, but it also introduces some challenges. Since projects in Argo CD are dynamically created as new directories in your apps repo are discovered, the settings on those projects have until now been pre-defined by SKIP. This gives you sane default behaviours like auto sync enabled on dev but not on prod and generally no good ways to change that behaviour.

It’s possible to configure the settings of a directory within your apps-repo by adding a special file called config.json . When this file is present, a set of pre-defined options can be provided to configure the way that directory is synced by Argo CD.

The below example of a config.json file enables automatic syncing of the directory that it resides in.

"tool": "directory",
"autoSync": true

Only placement in root directories of namespaces are supported. For example dev/foo-main/config.json or env/atkv1-dev/foo-main/config.json .

No special action is needed after the file is added to a directory in the apps repo. Argo CD will locate it automatically and update the project settings accordingly.

Supported options

tool (required)directory / kustomize / helmWhich tool should Argo CD use to sync this directory? The “Directory” option supports yaml and jsonnet files. See also tools .
autoSyncboolean ( true / false )When set to true , the directory is automatically synced when changes are detected. The default value is true in dev and false in prod.
pruneboolean ( true / false )When enabled, Argo CD will automatically remove resouces that are no longer present in Git. Default is true . See prune . Only used when autoSync is true
allowEmptyboolean ( true / false )Safety mechanism. When prune is enabled it deletes resources automatically, but it will not allow empty syncs (delete all) unless allowEmpty also is enabled. Default is false . See allowEmpty . Only used when autoSync is true
selfHealboolean ( true / false )When changes are made on the cluster directly, Argo will not revert them unless selfHeal is provided. Default is true . See self heal . Only used when autoSync is true